Innergschlöss Glacier Trail | Hohe Tauern

East Tyrol, Austria
9 km
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Amazing hike up to the a beautiful glacier in the Venediger mountain range.

The glacier nature trail is a challenging but by no means impossible route that gives visitors a deeper insight into the nature of glacier-formed mountain masses.

In the heart of the Hohe Tauern National Park, you hike through one of the most beautiful valleys in the Eastern Alps. Gigantic glacial forces once shaped this landscape and here in the Hohe Tauern they are still at work. Experience the impressive world of the glacier foreland and its pioneer vegetation. The Salzbodensee, the Eye of God, which is usually adorned with an island of cotton grass, the imposing glacier polish and the Schlatenkees are just some of the highlights of the tour. The 24 observation points along the glacier show trail and the accompanying booklet (available at the “Venedigerhaus” inn in Innergschlöss) help you to understand the dynamics of the glaciers that characterise the landscape.

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